by Tanya Hendrix | Divorce |
Today, Alabama’s Governor issued an order for Alabamians to “Shelter in Place.” The question everyone has is, “what exactly does this mean?”WHAT HAPPENS TO MY CHILDREN AND VISITATION? Almost immediately after the breaking news of the shelter in place hit the internet...
by Tanya Hendrix | Divorce |
THE PROBLEMI’ve represented a lot of men in custody and divorce cases in Alabama. Fathers often want (and deserve) sole or joint physical custody of their children. However, problem arises when they’ve been the primary breadwinner to allow the mother to...
by Tanya Hendrix | Divorce |
I’ve been helping people navigate child custody issues since around 2004 when I went into private practice after having been a prosecutor. There are some questions and concerns that come up in almost every consult I have with a parent needing answers or reassurance...
by Tanya Hendrix | Finances, Legal & Insurance |
We, as humans, don’t like to face our own mortality. Though we all know we will one day die, in our conversations we often refer to this inevitable event as “if something happens to me” rather than “when something happens to me”. At some...
by Tanya Hendrix | Divorce |
In my 18+ years of practicing law, I have never seen parental alienation as prevalent as it has been over the last 2 years.Parental alienation is basically when one parent attempts to turn the children against the other parent. This is accomplished through various...