Parental Alienation

In my 18+ years of practicing law, I have never seen parental alienation as prevalent as it has been over the last 2 years.Parental alienation is basically when one parent attempts to turn the children against the other parent. This is accomplished through various...

Conflict resolution without lawyers

We live in a litigious society. As an attorney, that’s good for business. However, litigation has never been a preferred way to handle conflicts. Sometimes it’s absolutely necessary, others times it’s not. There have been many clients whom I’ve...

Fathers: The Divorce/Custody Catch-22

I’ve represented a lot of men in custody and divorce cases. Fathers often want (and deserve) sole or joint custody of their children. A problem arises, though, if they’ve been the primary breadwinner, allowing the mother to stay at home with the children....

Grieving the Death of a Child

The death and loss of a child is frequently called the ultimate tragedy. Nothing can be more devastating. Along with the usual symptoms and stages of grief, there are many issues that make parental bereavement particularly difficult to resolve. And this grief over the...

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