
7 Things to Do About Estate Planning When You Divorce

7 Things to Do About your Estate Plan When you Divorce
Divorce turns our world upside down, doesn’t it? Our once cherished dreams about the future are now nightmares. Some are happy it’s over, some people needed to get out of an abusive relationship, but regardless of how or why there was a divorce, our futures are...
How does “Shelter in Place” Affect Custody Exchanges?
Today, Alabama’s Governor issued an order for Alabamians to “Shelter in Place.” The question everyone has is, “what exactly does this mean?”WHAT HAPPENS TO MY CHILDREN AND VISITATION? Almost immediately after the breaking news of the shelter in place hit the internet...
Confidence Trick: Fraud as a Basis for Annulment
“If the NSA can be hacked, so can the average — or even exceptional — human mind. Our capacity to trust, which makes us successful, also makes us vulnerable — as does the natural bias to overrate our own bullshit detection.” Matthew Hutson, “Why We Fall for Con...
Top 5 Child Custody Myths
In my over 16 years as a child custody attorney, I’ve heard many myths. Below are some of the most common myths – in italics - followed by the truth. Moms always get custody: I’ve represented many dads who won physical custody of their children. It’s based on what is...
THE PROBLEMI've represented a lot of men in custody and divorce cases in Alabama. Fathers often want (and deserve) sole or joint physical custody of their children. However, problem arises when they've been the primary breadwinner to allow the mother to stay at home...
The Guide to a Christian Divorce
One of the most difficult aspects of a divorce as a Christian is maintaining your Christian character during a divorce. Whether you are a practicing Christian or merely identify as a Christian, it can be difficult to reconcile Jesus' command to turn the other cheek...
Top 5 Things to Know About Child Custody in Alabama
I’ve been helping people navigate child custody issues since around 2004 when I went into private practice after having been a prosecutor. There are some questions and concerns that come up in almost every consult I have with a parent needing answers or reassurance...
Christians in Conflict: Mediation/Christian Conciliation Option
A topic that is not discussed much in church is conflict between church members and between Christians. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 6 about lawsuits among believers in Christ. Paul admonished the Christ followers in Corinth for their lawsuits against one another,...
I’ve just been served with divorce papers! Now what?
Getting served with a summons and complaint for divorce can bring about a range of emotions. One of the prevailing thoughts however, is "now what?" What am I supposed to do now? What's next? How do I even respond? What am I supposed to do now?If you've never been...